COVID-19 Guidelines

Due to COVID-19, building access is currently limited. We are currently in Phase IV of our Reopening Plan with social distancing protocols in place for all activities. Please select an activity or program below for more details. All individuals in the building will be required to wear a face covering and must maintain six (6) feet between them and other individuals in the same room. Individuals are encouraged to wash or sanitize their hands after entering the building and at least every few hours while in the building. Any individual with a fever over 100.4 degrees, or displaying any other items of being sick, should stay at home until they feel better. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these guidelines so that we can keep our building clean and safe for everyone.

Worship Services Weddings

Ministry Team Meetings Funerals

Church Group Meetings Bible Studies

Outside Group Meetings First Communion Classes

Youth Group Confirmation Classes

Sunday Church School Choirs


Worship Services

Pre-Recorded Virtual Worship Services are available each Sunday by visiting our website or YouTube page. The Pastors and other essential worship participants record the services in the church earlier in the week. Special thanks to Joe Haines for his talent and expertise.

Ministry Team Meetings

Ministry Teams and Church Council may meet in the church building. In order to schedule a meeting, please contact Debbie Brady. All attendees will be required to wear a face covering while in the building.

Church Group Meetings

Church Groups, including Book Clubs, WELCA, Aid for Friends, etc., may meet in the church building. In order to schedule a meeting, please contact Debbie Brady. All attendees will be required to wear a face covering while in the building.

Outside Group Meetings

Outside Groups, including AA, NA, Scout groups, etc., may meet in the church building in Fellowship Hall. Meetings are currently limited to 18 people or fewer. For more details or to schedule a meeting, please contact Debbie Brady. All attendees will be required to wear a face covering while in the building.

Youth Group

For the Fall, Youth Group will have a combination of in-person meetings and virtual meetings. In-person meetings will be held outside, weather permitting, until it begins to get too cold to provide a safer environment for our youth to interact and socialize. A schedule will be provided to all youth families each month. For more information about our Youth Group, please contact the Church Office.

Sunday Church School

Under Phase IV with social distancing protocols, Sunday Church School is permitted to be held in the church building. However, Sunday Church School will be held virtually in the Fall. A virtual presentation will be provided each Sunday, beginning on September 27th. A Kick-Off will be held on Sunday, September 13th for parents to pick up the lesson books for each child so they are able to follow along each week and do the activities at home. We will re-evaluate at the end of the year to determine how the program will be delivered for the Winter & Spring. If you need more information about Sunday Church School, please contact the Church Office


The Preschool has elected to hold in-person classes for the 4 year old program in the Fall. Due to staffing issues and low enrollment, the 2 year old and 3 year old programs are being suspended temporarily. The Preschool will re-evaluate both programs at the end of the year. The Preschool is already divided into classes that are in separate rooms which will allow the same teachers and students to interact with the same people every day. There will be no activities where the classes will be interacting this year. Students and teachers will be required to wear face shields during the school day that will be provided by the Preschool and cleaned daily. Students will also have their own supplies that will be cleaned daily. Students will be seated so they are distanced from each other in the classroom and the schedule will allow for frequent hand washing throughout the day. The Preschool will be cleaned throughout the day and thoroughly at the end of each day.


Weddings may take place in the building as long as there are 50 people or fewer in attendance. Since weddings are religious services, they are exempt from the order limiting indoor gatherings to 25 people. All attendees will be required to wear a face covering while in the building and households will be required to sit in separate rows. The sanctuary will be cleaned before and after each wedding. For more details, please contact the Pastor that will be officiating the wedding.


Funerals may take place in the building as long as there are 50 people or fewer in attendance. Since funerals are religious services, they are exempt from the order limiting indoor gatherings to 25 people. All attendees will be required to wear a face covering while in the building and households will be required to sit in separate rows. The sanctuary will be cleaned before and after each funeral. For more details, please contact the Pastor that will be conducting the funeral.

Bible Studies

Bible Studies may be held in the building at the discretion of the Pastor or leader and participants. In order to schedule a bible study in the building, please contact Debbie Brady. All participants will be required to wear a face covering while in the building.

First Communion Classes

First Communion Classes may be held in-person or virtually in the Fall. The Pastors will be contacting First Communion families in the coming weeks to determine their preference for First Communion Classes

Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Classes may be held in-person or virtually in the Fall. The Confirmation Team will begin reaching out to the Confirmation families in the coming weeks to determine their preference for Confirmation when classes begin in October.


The Handbell Choir may hold rehearsals and record performances in the building. Rehearsals and performance recordings should be scheduled with Debbie Brady. All participants will be required to wear a face covering while in the building. Due to the increased risk of spreading COVID-19 while singing, even while wearing a face covering, all other choir rehearsals and performances are temporarily suspended. We are currently looking for Special Music for our Pre-Recorded Virtual Worship Services. If you are interested in signing or playing an instrument, please contact Nanette Lutz.

For more information, please contact the Church Office at 215.357.4791 or For a copy of our entire Reopening Plan, please click HERE.