Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is an ELCA Congregation
We believe in a God who loves all that is into being.
We believe in a God who loves us so much he became a human, Jesus, to bring us closer to God.
We believe in a God who lives with us, sustains us, loves and guides us through the Holy Spirit.
A sacrament is commanded by Jesus and involves an earthly element and the Word and promise of God. The sacraments are central to our life as people of faith.
Holy Communion
The earthly element in Holy Communion is bread and wine. Jesus command can be found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the letters of St. Paul. When we participate in Holy Communion, we are forgiven all sins, we are renewed in our faith, and we are nourished to go out and do God’s work in the world. We are also united with all other believers. Good Shepherd welcomes all to the table of the Lord, for it is Christ who does the welcoming. If you have any questions call Pr. Hopgood at 215-357-4791.
Holy Baptism
The earthly element in Holy Baptism is ordinary water. Jesus commandment is found in Matthew 28: 19. We believe that through baptism we are made children of God, all our sins are forgiven, and we become a part of the Body of Christ, the Church. If you have any questions about how you or your child can be baptized, call Pr. Hopgood at 215-357-4791.
Our Lutheran Beliefs
God’s love is unconditional
We are all simultaneously saint and sinner.
We are saved by grace through faith.
We are saved by grace, not works.
We believe in the priesthood of all believers - all believers can share in spreading God’s word and doing God’s work.
We believe that the church is imperfect and when it is faithful to God it is continually changing.