Christmas Eve Registration

In Person Worship at 1:30 PM, 4:30 PM, and 7:30 PM

Please register for the in-person worship services on Christmas Eve - Thursday, December 24, 2020.

Registration will be open until we reach capacity or Tuesday, December 22st at 3pm, whichever comes first. Capacity, in order to maintain 6 feet between households, is 59 households for each service which includes seating in the Nave and Fellowship Hall. We can only accommodate households of 4 people or less. We apologize for any inconvenience to households larger than 4 and ask that they break into smaller groups. When registering for multiple households, please make sure to use a different name for each household so that we can identify unintentional duplicates.

A pre-recorded virtual service will also be available on Thursday, December 24th for anyone that is unable to attend or has chosen not to attend. The link to the service will be posted on this page on Christmas Eve.


In-Person Worship Service at 1:30 PM

Reserved for people over 65 or high risk


In-Person Worship Service at 4:30 PM


In-Person Worship Service at 7:30 PM


The following social distancing protocols will be in place during each in-person worship service:

  • Registration - Members and Visitors will be required to register for the Christmas Eve services. Registration will close once we reach capacity or Monday, December 21st at 3pm, whichever comes first.

  • Masks will be required for all individuals over the age of 2 while in the church building and during the service.

  • Seating - Everyone will be required to enter through the Narthex so that the ushers can confirm attendance for contact tracing. Households will be able to seat themselves at available seats where bulletins are placed in the Nave or Fellowship Hall. Seating will be done on a first come first serve basis. Once the Nave is full, all households will be seated in Fellowship Hall. Seating will open 30 minutes before the service begins.

  • There will be no congregation singing during the service. Hymns will be sung by a designated person(s).

  • Offering - The offering plate will not be passed. The plate will be sat on a table near the entrance to the Nave and the entrance to Fellowship Hall for individuals to give their offering as they enter or exit.

  • There will be no passing of the peace or candle lighting during the service.

  • Communion - Communion will be part of the service and the prepackaged communion kits will be consecrated. The prepackaged communion kits will then be distributed as participants leave the church for them to consume once they arrive back home.

  • Dismissal - Once the service is over, the ushers will begin dismissing attendees by row, starting in the back of the Nave and Fellowship Hall, in order to provide enough distance between households exiting the building. If you wish to have conversations with other attendees, please do so outside the building.

  • Bathrooms - The bathrooms near the Nave and Fellowship Hall will be available before, during and after the service. They will be limited to one household at a time. Bathrooms will be cleaned and sanitized between each service.

We hope that these offerings for Christmas Eve will accommodate your family as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.